Toxic media show little, but quarantined life offers rich opportunities
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Anything goes in the name of audience?
Posted in 25/11/2019 at 20:17
Last week, we followed a series of news about the accident involving the presenter Augusto Liberato. After a domestic accident, the communicator was taken to the emergency room, where he was hospitalized for observation in the ICU of a hospital in Orlando, USA.
In spite of his very serious state of health, his staff had not yet released any information about the death, however, a Brazilian radio station, in a “scoop”, reported his departure, wrongly.
Countless artists and other media replicated the false news about his death. The mass reaction of the population generated a wave of shares with “fake news”, without properly established information and well-defined facts.
There is irresponsibility involved in this case. Despite the late apology for the inconsistent news, the series of sensationalist publications had already been created. There was no respect for Gugu’s family members, nor for himself.
May tragic moments like this not, again, be used as a stage to capitalize on the audience and the media (as well as the spectators) have more empathy before reporting cases like this.
Izabel Hiar
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