
How to follow the News without ending up in complete despair?

Posted in 12/09/2017 at 11:43
How to follow the News without ending up in complete despair?

We know, empirically, that an excess of bad news can leave us exhausted, stressed and numb. But there’s also a lot of data detailing the negative effects of our exposure to headlines and news that focus exclusively – and with no mercy – on what’s negative.

A study published by “Huffington Post Brasil” shows the negative effects of the exposure to violent media and gives some good advices, that range from, for example, turning off the TV to even search the content that pleases the most – since the internet has a lot of options.

Let’s debate?

Roger Ferreira

Check out the full article: http://www.huffpostbrasil.com/2015/03/23/desespero-noticias_n_6924984.html?ncid=fcbklnkbrhpmg00000004

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