
Violence on TV and aggressive behavior

Posted in 12/09/2017 at 11:44
Violence on TV and aggressive behavior

Drauzio Varella: “Despite the existent common sense between specialists that the relation among cause and effect between violence shown through the mass media and the future practice of violent acts by the viewers is long timely characterized, the theme stills being approached with an irresponsible superficiality by the communicators, as if that association wasn’t being clearly established.”

As Drauzio affirms, the industry and the media took decades to recognize the harmful effects of cigarettes. And now there is the same silence regarding the relation of cause and effect between those violent contents in media and violent acts. This is a public interest debate that needs to happen.

Shall we?

Roger Ferreira

Check out the full article: https://drauziovarella.com.br/drauzio/violencia-na-tv-e-comportamento-agressivo/

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