
Has telenovela “A Força do Querer” glamourized criminals?

Posted in 26/10/2017 at 11:20
Has telenovela “A Força do Querer” glamourized criminals?

Our survey went wild. After all, has the telenovela “A Força do Querer” glamourized criminals? The minister of the Supreme Federal Court, Alexandre de Moraes, said yes. A lot of people agreed. Some said that the telenovela only portrayed the truth, which, for them, was: nowadays, criminals get away easily and the citizen live in suffering. In our vision, however, that’s not the truth.

The life of who chooses the path of crime isn’t easy and the result is always very negative in a lot of ways, from the material to what we could call emotional and spiritual. Media isn’t neutral and has a big responsibility by showing in fiction the life of criminals. Glamorization incentives crime, because there’s a tendency of some people to imitate behaviors that they are already predisposed to. That’s the case of suicide, for example. In our vision, when talking about this them, media also has the responsibility of showing the suffering in which criminals goes through.

Let’s debate?

Roger Ferreira

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