
Fifteen positive aspects of physical distancing

Posted in 21/05/2020 at 12:04
Fifteen positive aspects of physical distancing

Toxic media show little, but quarantined life offers rich opportunities

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News consumption by WhatsApp and its risks

Posted in 13/12/2019 at 16:17
News consumption by WhatsApp and its risks

A November 2019 survey, carried out by DataSenado, points out that the main communication channel used by participants nowadays is WhatsApp, with 79% of usage.

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Anything goes in the name of audience?

Posted in 25/11/2019 at 20:17
Anything goes in the name of audience?

Last week, we followed a series of news about the accident involving the presenter Augusto Liberato. After a domestic accident, the communicator was taken to the emergency room, where he was hospitalized for observation in the ICU of a hospital in Orlando, USA.

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Media – Understanding to consume, Responsibility to produce (1)

Posted in 13/12/2018 at 11:32
Media – Understanding to consume, Responsibility to produce (1)

Our well-being and our health depend directly on the quality of our thoughts and our feelings and emotions. This is a statement based on solid scientific evidence accumulated recently in various areas of knowledge, in addition to being a guideline for various philosophical and religious currents.

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Has telenovela “A Força do Querer” glamourized criminals?

Posted in 26/10/2017 at 11:20
Has telenovela “A Força do Querer” glamourized criminals?

Our survey went wild. Check out the results and our complete analysis. Let’s debate?

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Why We Love Bad News: Understanding Negativity Bias

Posted in 15/09/2017 at 15:23
Why We Love Bad News: Understanding Negativity Bias

The article from Peter H. Diamonis, published in the American website “Big Think”, explains well the negative bias of our attention. Check it!

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Violence on TV and aggressive behavior

Posted in 12/09/2017 at 11:44
Violence on TV and aggressive behavior

Drauzio Varella: “Despite the existent common sense between specialists that the relation among cause and effect between violence shown through the mass media and the future practice of violent acts by the viewers is long timely characterized, the theme stills being approached with an irresponsible superficiality by the communicators, as if that association wasn’t being clearly established.”

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How to follow the News without ending up in complete despair?

Posted in 12/09/2017 at 11:43
How to follow the News without ending up in complete despair?

This article has good advices on how to free ourselves from the negative effects from violent media: simply turn it off; have empathy, but not to the point that it paralises us; change habits and prefer a medialess way; find out what media is good to us.

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