Coronavirus takes up to 94% of the news, with 74% of negative news

  • Violent (%) 2
  • Negative (%) 74
  • Positive (%) 20
  • Neutral (%) 4

During the month of April, almost all of the time on the four main newscasts was dedicated to the coronavirus, a result that represents 94% of the content, adding negativity (74%) with the positive news that dealt with the pandemic. In addition, the worrying crisis in the health area and measures for social isolation contributed to a significant drop in the percentage of violence displayed by newspapers, resulting in only 2%, equivalent to 1 hour and 55 minutes, of a total of 2,788 articles analyzed by Paz na Mídia.

Although the volume of negative stories was four times higher than the positive ones, the news programs also brought stories that fight fake news, clarify doubts and other positive stories, as ways to alleviate the psychological terror caused by the virus (and its repercussion in the media).

On the political scene, President Jair Bolsonaro continued to treat the disease in a tone of disdain and to appear in agglomerations totally unprotected. In addition, the Minister of Health, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, was replaced by doctor Nelson Teich. The president’s attitude towards the dismissal of former minister Henrique Mandetta provoked the disapproval of 64% of Brazilians.

Another issue of the month was the dismissal of the Minister of Justice, Sérgio Moro, followed by complaints about the political use of the Federal Police. This attitude had great repercussion in the media and contributed to the negativity reaching an expressive number.

Even with few violent reports, the media showed the public cases of theft of medical equipment, counterfeiting of products such as masks and rubbing alcohol and police operations. However, the most worrying news was about the occurrences of domestic violence and femicide, which grew 44.9% during the pandemic. Amid tragic statistics, newspapers announced some initiatives to help women victims of violence during social isolation.

See the complete tables of our analysis here.

Result per Issuer

  • Violent (%) 4
  • Negative (%) 63
  • Positive (%) 24
  • Neutral (%) 9

TV Bandeirantes

  • Violent (%) 1
  • Negative (%) 77
  • Positive (%) 19
  • Neutral (%) 3

TV Globo

  • Violent (%) 2
  • Negative (%) 73
  • Positive (%) 22
  • Neutral (%) 3

TV Record

  • Violent (%) 2
  • Negative (%) 83
  • Positive (%) 14
  • Neutral (%) 1


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  • Negative (%) 35
  • Positive (%) 20
  • Neutral (%) 11

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